Health Equity News

School of Socail Welafre
School of Social Welfare Hosts Conference for Long Island School Social Workers
The conference was an opportunity for school social workers to network and share innovative resources, intervention strategies and best practices focused on issues and skills critical to school social workers.
Tara Huston
Stony Brook Surgery’s Dr. Tara Huston Selected for Prestigious ELAM Fellowship Program
Tara L. Huston, MD, professor of Surgery and Dermatology in the Stony Brook Medicine Department of Surgery’s Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, has been selected as a Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine® (ELAM®) Fellow for 2024-25.
The Contribution Project: Uniting Universities for Community Impact
The Contribution Project: Uniting Universities for Community Impact
Since its inception in 2019, Cornell University’s Contribution Project has given undergraduate students the opportunity to make a difference by awarding each student $400 in funding. This year, two SUNY schools partnered with Cornell to expand the Contribution Project’s reach and impact: Stony Brook University and Binghamton University.
Shinnecock Renewable Energy
SBU Grads Partner with Shinnecock Nation on Renewable Energy Project
Daniel Arnold, Michael Harris and Eliana Matsil, all 2024 graduates of the Chemical and Molecular Engineering program at Stony Brook University’s College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, chose to perform their senior thesis research for CME 420 as part of a large, federally funded project on hydrogen as a clean fuel.
Free Blood Pressure Checks
Suffolk County Offers Health Screenings at Local Barber Shops to Promote Healthier Communities
The Suffolk County Health Department's Office of Minority Health will launch a multi-day outreach effort to foster community health awareness and engagement among people of color.
Empowered Women Lead with Compassion
Empowered Women Lead with Compassion
Only 25 percent of healthcare executive leadership positions are held by women, despite women accounting for 70 percent of the healthcare sector, worldwide (according to the World Health Organization).