Neurology at Lake Grove

Specialties offered at our Lake Grove Office

General Neurology – treatment for deterioration of thinking or behavior, dizziness, loss of consciousness, motor alterations (such as weakness, or tremor), sensory alterations (such tingling or numbness), pain, or a history of brain or spinal cord injury.

Epilepsy and Seizure – evaluation, treatment and routine care for patients with seizures or epilepsy as well as comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services for individuals with uncontrolled seizures.

Movement Disorders – evaluation, treatment, medical management, botulinum toxin injection and surgical therapy to appropriate candidates.

Pediatric Neurology – diagnosis and management for a comprehensive range of disorders of the brain, spinal cord, muscles and nerves in children.

Multiple Sclerosis / Neuroimmunology – diagnosis, treatment, and management for patients with multiple sclerosis and other immunological diseases of the nervous system including Lyme’s disease, and viral or bacterial meningitis

Neuromuscular Disease – comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for patients of all ages with neuromuscular disorders

Neuro-Oncology – diagnosis and treatment for all benign and malignant tumors of neurological origin, including brain, brain stem, spinal cord, nerve sheath, and pituitary gland.

Stroke / Vascular Neurology – diagnosis and medical management of diseases affecting the blood vessels of the brain, including hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke, transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), carotid and intracranial stenosis and vasculitis

Headache – treatment plans for headaches, migraines and other related conditions.

Neurophysiology – provides the electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) functions that are critical to the diagnosis and determination of treatment efficacy for seizures and disorders of nerves or muscles.

For Appointments

Advanced Specialty Care
at Lake Grove

4 Smith Haven Mall, Suite 105
Lake Grove, NY 11755

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