Looking forward to a new baby brings hope for the future and no one expects that the dreams for a child will be shattered by death. But pregnancy loss is a sad reality faced by many couples. Miscarriage, stillbirth or loss of a newborn brings emotional pain and sadness for parents and family members. Coping with these losses can be a lonely and confusing journey and others may not understand the intensity of the grief and how long it lasts.
Our sympathy goes out to all who have experienced the loss of a baby who died as a newborn or before birth due to miscarriage, stillbirth or other reasons. Here are readings and web sites that may offer some support through your time of grief.
Links: Websites
March of Dimes|Loss and Grief - Website includes articles on dealing with loss due to miscarriage, stillbirth or infant death.
Mayo Clinic-Pregnancy Loss: How to Cope
Share Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support: For Parents - Share provides grief support following the death of a baby through pregnancy loss, stillbirth or in the first few months of life.
First Candle - First Candle is a national organization offering support and information for families experiencing the loss of a baby through stillbirth or other causes.
Links: Brochures and Articles
Surviving Stillbirth - A brochure made available by First Candle
Breaking the Silence of Stillbirth - New York Times article, February 2013
When a pregnancy loss occurs before 20 weeks gestation, a Fetal Death Certificate is issued. When a fetal death occurs after 20 weeks, in addition to the Fetal Death Certificate, parents can request a Certificate of Still Birth.
More information is available on the New York State Department of Health Web Site: