Stony Brook Accountable Care Organization’s Commitment to Compliance

The Compliance Officer supports the Stony Brook Accountable Care Organization LLC’s (SB-ACO) commitment to legal and ethical conduct by all providers and staff.

Compliance Plan
The Federal MSSP regulations applicable to Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) participating in the MSSP require such ACOs to have a compliance plan. The SB-ACO Compliance Plan (the “Plan”) outlines how SB-ACO will satisfy these Plan elements and other Plan elements outlined in Federal and New York State laws, regulations, and guidance.
The Compliance Officer works collaboratively with ACO partners to ensure all providers and staff are educated on the ACO's Compliance Plan and Conflicts of Interest policy and other relevant federal, state and regulatory laws that govern our practices in an effort to prevent and detect illegal and/or unethical behavior.


24/7 Helpline Response & Investigation
Providers and staff can use the Helpline anonymously or confidentially to ask questions about the Plan and/or to share information about an issue or concern related to any activity including concerns related to equity, discrimination, and bias. The Compliance Officer investigates all Helpline concerns promptly and confidentially to the extent possible.
Retaliation and/or intimidation against anyone who seeks advice, who raises a concern or reports a compliance issue in good faith will not be tolerated.
The Helpline is staffed by individuals who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays.

  • Compliance Officer: Laura McNamara
    • Phone: 1-631-444-8026
    • Email:
  • Compliance Helpline: 1-844-241-6856
Last Updated