Important Numbers/Hotlines
The National Suicide Prevention Hotline (1-800-SUICIDE) | (800) 273-8255/988 |
La Línea Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio | (888) 628-9454 |
Adult Protective Services (APS) | (631) 854-3232 |
Child Protective Services Hotline (CPS) | (800) 342-3720 |
Crime Victims Center (CVC) | (631) 332 9234 Hotline / (631) 689 2672 Office |
DASH 24/7 Hotline (Diagnostic, Assessment, and Stabilization Hub for crisis situations due to substance use, mental illness) |
(631) 952-3333 |
ECLI-VIBES Hopeline (Empowerment Collaborative of Long Island-Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk) |
(631) 360-3606 |
Lighthouse Mission (Food, Clothes, Holiday Assistance) | (631) 758-7584 |
Long Island Against Domestic Violence Hotline & Shelter | (631) 666-8833 |
National Domestic Violence Hotline | (800) 799-7233 |
National Human Trafficking 24hr Hotline (Se habla Español) | (888) 373-7888 |
Response Crisis Center Intervention hotline | (631) 751-7500 |
The Retreat (Domestic Violence) Hotline & Shelter | (631) 329-2200 |
Safe Haven Program (Abandoned Infant) | (866) 852-2229 |
Stony Brook Comprehensive Psychiatric Emergency Program (CPEP) | (631) 444-6050 |
Alcohol and Substance Use Disorder Resources
LIACADD-Suffolk County Substance Abuse 24/7 HOTLINE |
Suffolk County (631) 979-1700 |
NYS Office of Addiction Services and Support (OASAS) |
1-877-8-HOPENY | (518) 473-3460 |
Nassau County Narcotics Anonymous: |
Suffolk County Narcotics Anonymous: |
Community Assistance
American Red Cross (516) 747-3500 |
Salvation Army (631) 654-9380 |
United Way (631) 940-3700 |
Office of the Aging-Elder Services (631) 853-8200 |
Nassau/Suffolk Law Services (631) 232-2400 |
Touro Law Senior Law Program (631) 761-7470 |
The Social Brain-Community Medical Closet Items include adult diapers, pull-ups, chucks, |
COVID Resources
Funeral Assistance Line Number (FEMA) (844)674-8333 |
Post-COVID Clinic-Stony Brook Advanced Specialty Care (631) 216-8080 |
Resources for People with Disabilities
New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (631) 434-6100 |
Suffolk County Office for People with Disabilities (631) 853-8333 |
Emergency Energy and Utility Assistance
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
(631) 853-8825 — after hours (631) 854-9100
Riverhead: (631) 852-3631
South West: (631) 854-6684
Emergency Housing
Suffolk County Department of Social Services
Emergency Services (After 4:30 pm, Weekends, Holidays) — Call (631) 854-9100
Coram Center (Central Housing) 80 Middle Country Road Coram, New York 11727 Main line: (631) 854-2300 |
Smithtown Center 200 Wireless Boulevard Hauppauge, New York 11788 (631) 853-8714 |
Riverhead Center |
South West Center 2 South 2nd Street Deer Park, New York 11729 (631) 854-6600 |
Local Shelters Not Through DSS:
Maureen's Haven: (631) 727-6831
(November 1st-April 1st Only Male and Female 18yr and up)
Johns Place: (631) 298-4145
(November 1st-April 1st TUES AND THURS-Only Male and Female 18yr and up)
Pax Christi: (631) 928-9108
(Year-round Males ages 16+) (May need DSS approval)
Emergency Assistance Program (ERAP): 844-NY1RENT (844-691-7368)
Provides assistance with rental arrears
NYS Department of Labor (DOL)
Suffolk Works Employment Program
(631) 853-6664
Food and Food Security
Island Harvest (516) 294-8528 |
Long Island Cares (631) 582-3663 |
Meals on Wheels (631) 853-8227 |
Women/Infants/Children (WIC) (800) 522-5006
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Coram: (631) 854-2300 Riverhead: (631) 852-3560
Health Clinics
Suffolk County Operated Health Centers are now operated by Hudson River Health Care (HRH)
Accepts: Low Income, Uninsured, Underinsured, Insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid
Fees: Sliding scale
Sun River Health (for all locations): (844) 400-1975
Medical Insurance (Medicaid/Insurance/Benefits)
Smithtown DSS Center Medicaid: (631) 853-8714 |
Riverhead DSS Center Medicaid: (631) 852-3570 |
Apply Online:
Navigator Agencies:
Nassau/Suffolk Hospital Council – (631) 656-9783
Community Health Advocates – (888) 614-5400
Public Health Solutions – (646) 632-5986
Medication Assistance
Walmart (877) 453-4566 |
Target (866) 389-2727 $4-5 per Rx | under 65 - $15 copay | Epic for Medicare Plan D (800) 332-3742 |
Mental Health Services
Association for Mental Health and Wellness Helpline
(631) 226-3900
Suffolk County Division of Community Mental Hygiene Services
(631) 853-8500
DASH 24/7 Hotline
(631) 952-3333
DASH is a 24/7 program for individuals in a crisis situation who are feeling overwhelmed due to substance use, mental illness and/or other life stressors.
Mobile Phone
Assurance Wireless — (888) 321-5880
Assurance Wireless is a federal Lifeline Assistance program brought to you by T-Mobile.
Lifeline is a government benefit program and enrollment is available to individuals who qualify based on federal or state-specific eligibility criteria.
Servicios en Español
Adelante of Suffolk County Proporciona asistencia con la solicitud y recertificación de SNAP, Medicaid y HEAP (durante la temporada de HEAP; solo los meses de invierno) |
CARECEN (Central American Refugee Center) Empodera a los inmigrantes a través de servicios legales, educación comunitaria y defensa |
Centro Corazon de Maria Asistencia de Inmigración, alimentos y ropa |
HANDS ACROSS LONG ISLAND (HALI) Promoción de beneficios y derechos. Servicios para las personas sin hogar que incluyen unidades móviles de ducha, ropa limpia y un respiro cómodo |
SEPA Mujer Referencias para despensas de alimentos y otros servicios. Ofrece apoyo emocionales y derivaciones a víctimas de agresión sexual, trata de personas, doméstica violencia, crímenes de odio, robo de salarios y violencia de pandillas |
PRONTO Asistencia de Inmigración / Ciudadanía, clases de ESL, Inmunizaciones infantiles, alimentos y ropa |
Senior Services
Office of the Aging - Hauppauge (631) 853-8200 |
Office of the Aging - Riverhead (631) 852-1420 |
Adult Protective Service (APS) (631) 854-3195 /96/97 |
Department of Social Services Medicaid Offices - East (631) 852-3710 |
Department of Social Services Medicaid Offices - West (631) 853-8730 |
Medicare (800) 633-4227 |
Social Security (800) 772-1213 |
Medicaid Choice Plan (Community Services) 1-800-505-5678 |
Medicaid Long Term Care (Community Services) 1-888-401-6582 |
MAS for Nassau and Suffolk Counties
(844) 666-6270
Persons with an active Medicaid case and a medical need and with no means of transportation may get help with transportation to and from health care providers (doctor, clinic, hospital, etc.). All non-emergency trips require prior approval and must be requested at least 3 days prior to the date of the trip.
Suffolk County Accessible Transportation (SCAT)
(631) 852-5200
Provides curb-to-curb service to individuals with disabilities. Eligibility to use SCAT is determined based on guidelines contained in the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).
Women’s Health and Pregnancy Care
AAA Life Center Hotline (if pregnant and need resources) (631) 243-0066 |
Planned Parenthood Hotline (800) 230-7526 |
Veterans Assistance
Veterans Adminstration-Northport (631) 261-4400 |
Veterans Administration Homeless Programs (877) 424-3838 |
Stony Brook Social Work Services
Stony Brook Hospital Outpatient Social workers coordinate the efforts of local service providers to meet the continuing needs of patients and families once they are discharged from the hospital and will also assist with patients requiring out of home post-hospital care. Social workers are available by appointment in the outpatient areas. For additional information, please call: 631-444-2552
United Way 2-1-1 Long Island
2-1-1 is a free confidential service which connects you to local resources. You can call for help 24/7
DIAL 2-1-1 or 1-888-774-7633