GET PALLIATIVE CARE:  A website providing Palliative Care information for people living with a serious illness. Key features of the site include a Palliative Care Provider Directory, a detailed description of what palliative care is, how it can help and how to access it. It provides a description and the trajectory of common serious illnesses faced by patients. Lastly, also provides an interactive quiz to assist you in deciding whether palliative care might be right for you or a loved one.

SPEAK UP BROCHURE:  The Speak Up Program helps patients and their advocates become more informed and involved in their healthcare.  It provides Information about what you need to know about your serious illness and Palliative Care. 

THE CONVERSATION PROJECT: The Conversation Project is an Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) initiative to provide patient and family the tools to advocate for themselves and their loved ones. This project aims to help everyone talk about their wishes for care through the end of life, so those wishes can be understood and respected. It offers free tools, guidance, and resources to begin talking with those who matter most, about your and their wishes.

Palliative Care Information Act

Palliative Care Access Act

CMI Guide for Helping Children Cope with Grief (PDF)

Child Bereavement Support (Word Document)

Grief and Loss (Word Document)

Cancer Care Support Groups

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