Can't get out of your winter funk?

Written by Melanie Isles, LMSW

Seasonal affective disorder may be the reason.

Do you find yourself feeling low on energy, sleeping more than usual, craving carbs or even gaining weight as the colder months set in?

If so, you might be experiencing seasonal depression.

While it's normal to have occasional short periods where you feel this way, when these feelings become more intense and seem tied to the winter season, you may be experiencing a form of depression referred to as seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, SAD is a type of depression characterized by a recurrent seasonal pattern, with symptoms lasting 4 to 5 months out of the year.

Studies have shown people with winter-pattern SAD may have reduced levels of serotonin, vitamin D deficiency, and altered levels of melatonin and have disruptions in their normal daily rhythms due to changes in serotonin and melatonin.

So, how can you stay on track with your cardiac health despite seasonal affective disorder? By nurturing these areas, that's how!

One, Open those curtains! Let the natural sunlight in! Exercise in a bright, naturally lit area of your home or join a gym. Continue moving your body to maintain cardiovascular health and increase confidence.

Two, add vitamin D to your diet. Incorporate nutritional changes by eating foods like salmon, sardines, canned tuna, egg yolk and mushrooms.

Three, be nicer to yourself and hop on the self-care train! Ample research has shown that self-compassion is an effective strategy for coping with many mood disorders. Utilize your mindfulness and self-care activities to assist in diverting negative dialogue into positive dialogue. This will help you maintain your motivation.

These three significant factors immensely contribute to cardiac health. So, take proactive steps toward achieving and maintaining heart health. Be mindful and focus on understanding and nurturing the interconnectedness of mental well-being, nutrition and exercise. Put the vigor back into your cardiac life!