- The Use of MRI in the Pre-surgical Evaluation of Patients With Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome: Sana Khan, Lisa Mannel. Christian L Koopman, Rao Chimpiri, Karl R. Hansen, LaTasha B. Craig, Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology (in press)
- Surgical reconstitution of a unilaterally avulsed symptomatic puborectalis muscle using autologous fascia lata: Shobeiri SA, Chimpiri AR, Allen A, Nihira MA, Quiroz LH; Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Aug;114 (2 Pt 2):480-2
- Pancreatico pleural fistula: Ali T, Srinivasan N, Le V, Chimpiri AR, Tierney WM; Pancreas.2009 Jan; 38(1):e26-31
- Superior mesenteric artery thrombosis managed percutaneously by timely combining aspiration thrombectomy with angioplasty and stents: Gupta R, Chimpiri AR, Saucedo JF; J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2010 Jan;29(1):105-7
- Renal Vascular Lesions: Diagnosis and Endovascular Management: Chimpiri,AR &Natarajan,B; Seminars in Interventional Radiology, V 26, No3, Sept 2009
- Visceral Arteriography in Trauma: Chimpiri,AR &Natarajan,B; Seminars in Interventional Radiology, Vol 26, No 3, Sept 2009
- Utility of Hepatocyte specific contrast agent, EOVIST, with case examples: Keller Roman, Chimpiri A.Rao; American College of Radiology website, Case-In Point, May 24, 2010
- Magnetic resonance Imaging of Solitary Fibrous tumor in pelvis: Boe, Justin; Chimpiri A. Rao; Journal of Radiology Case reports: July 2010
- MRCP as a Diagnostic Study For Pleuropancreatic Fistula: Ali T, Srinivasan N, Le V, Chimpiri AR and Tierney WM; The American Journal of Gastroenterology (2008) 103, S60–S95