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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
at the Imaging Center
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses high power magnets
and radio-frequency waves instead of x-rays to capture
images of the body.
Imaging Reception
At the rear of the building you will find parking and direct access to the Imaging Center.
Open MRI
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses high power magnets
and radio-frequency waves instead of x-rays to capture
images of the body.
A Board Certified Radiologist
will interpret your image
and create a report for
your physician
Remember to sign
your consent form if
you would like a
copy of your digital
images to be placed
on a CD.
Please pick up
your exit token
on the way out.
Thank You
Click for here for directions
to the Imaging Center
Some of our outpatient patient
imaging services occur at the
Imaging Center, located near the
South Entrance off Nicolls Road
Once inside proceed to registration