Apply for Approval to Host a Community Fundraiser or Promotion to Benefit Stony Brook Medicine

  1. Stony Brook Medicine must approve each third party event or promotion application before any publicity takes place.  Submit your complete application using the “Apply Online” link on this page.  Applications will be reviewed and a written response provided within 14 days of receipt.  Please note we may request additional information prior to approving a planned event.
  2. To comply with University guidelines, Stony Brook must approve – in writing – any use of its name (or the name of any unit within the University and Medicine enterprise).
  3. On all marketing and promotional materials, Stony Brook Medicine and/or a specific Stony Brook Medicine program must be identified as the beneficiary of the event, not as the sponsor of the event.  Example: organizers should not characterize an event as the “Stony Brook Medicine Community Walkathon.”  Instead, it should be promoted as a “Community Walkathon to benefit Stony Brook Medicine” or “Community Walkathon to benefit the Stony Brook Children’s Hospital.”  This rule applies to all invitation copy as well as advertising and promotional activities.
  4. Stony Brook Medicine should approve – prior to printing or distributing – all invitation content, advertisements, or other activities related to the event.  Materials submitted will be reviewed and a written response provided within 14 days of receipt.
  5. Events must comply with all federal, state and local laws governing charitable fund-raising, gift reporting and special events.  Third party event organizers should be able to:
    • Provide a record of revenues and expenses and copies of all receipts
    • Provide periodic status reports on an agreed-upon basis
    • Provide reasonable notice of any third party event cancellation
    • Be responsible for any financial losses or unsettled accounts
  6. Stony Brook Medicine cannot assume financial or other liability for the promotion and/or staging of fundraising events by any third-party organization or individual.  The sponsoring organization/individual must not incur any financial or other obligations on behalf of Stony Brook Medicine or Stony Brook University.
  7. Stony Brook Medicine cannot be held responsible in any way for casualties and/or situations that occur at third-party fundraising events or promotions.
  8. If Stony Brook Medicine will not be receiving all of the net proceeds from the event or promotion, please be sure to make this clear on your application form.  The specific percentage of the proceeds that will benefit Stony Brook Medicine should be stated clearly on all advertising, promotional and print collateral so that event participants understand how their contributions will be allocated.  In the case of point of sale promotions, the vendor or sponsor must guarantee a minimum donation of $500 to Stony Brook.  Please note that Stony Brook Medicine reserves the right to decline a third party event or promotion in cases where products or services are not compatible with our institutional mission, brand or business model.
  9. Third party organizers should submit one check totaling the event net proceeds, made payable to the Stony Brook Foundation within thirty (30) days following the event. Under no circumstances should an individual or organization keep any portion of the net proceeds as profit or compensation for organizing the event.  The Better Business Bureau (BBB) guidelines suggest that charitable events should not incur expenses greater than 35% of the income generated by the event.  Keeping in mind that there are exceptions, volunteers should budget to meet the BBB standard.  For an example of a typical event budget, please see this form. We adhere to the Donor Bill of Rights developed by AFP, AHP and CASE.
  10. Circumstances and policies may change from year to year.  Sponsoring individuals or organizations must seek approval from Stony Brook Medicine to repeat any particular event in each succeeding year.  Approval of one event does not imply or guarantee future approvals.
  11.  Stony Brook Medicine cannot supply third-party organizers with invitation lists nor can we guarantee promotional support through institutional communication channels managed by Stony Brook Medicine or Stony Brook University.
  12. As a matter of University policy, third-party organizers may not use the Stony Brook University or Stony Brook Medicine campuses to host their events.
  13. Once a third-party event or promotion is approved, Stony Brook Medicine reserve the right to display any photos or quotes from individuals participating in said events.
  14. Stony Brook University will provide written acknowledgement for tax purposes to donors who make checks directly payable to the Stony Brook Foundation.  IRS guidelines prevent Stony Brook from providing tax receipts for gifts made to third party entities.  Third party organizers are responsible for ensuring every donor understands that tax receipts can only be issued for an outright contribution to Stony Brook Medicine.  In addition, gifts made directly to Stony Brook University cannot later be transferred to a third party organizer to offset event expenses

For more information contact Jaime McGrade

Last Updated