Director, Post-COVID Clinic
Vice Chair of Clinical Affairs
Department of Family, Population & Preventive Medicine
Stony Brook Medicine
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is estimated that 7.7 to 23 million people are currently living with longer-term symptoms and health complications from COVID-19. The Post-COVID Clinic, was created to provide specialized care and assessment for patients with long-term effects of COVID-19. Here, Dr. Rajupet shares more information about the Clinic and Post-COVID care.
What is ‘Post-COVID’?
Post-COVID, also known as Long Covid, (sometimes referred to as Post-COVID Conditions, post-acute COVID-19 and chronic COVID, among others) is what the CDC considers to be a wide range of new, returning or ongoing health problems that people experience after being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Usually, these symptoms appear at least four weeks after a COVID-19 diagnosis.
How is Post-COVID detected?
Though there is not a single test to confirm Long Covid, associated symptoms can include difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, tiredness or fatigue that interferes with daily life, neurological problems such as difficulty concentrating, headache, sleep problems, lightheadedness, pins-and-needles feelings, change in smell or taste, depression or anxiety, as well as digestive symptoms (diarrhea/stomach pain), joint or muscle pain, rash and changes in menstrual cycles. A full list of Post-COVID symptoms can be found on the CDC website.
What specialties and services are treated at the Post-COVID Clinic?
Our Post-COVID Clinic team is composed of physicians who have been on the front lines caring for patients with COVID-19, giving them a unique depth of knowledge and experience in knowing how to provide appropriate and effective follow-up care.
Expertise is available in:
• Primary Care
• Allergy/Immunology
• Cardiology
• Infectious Diseases
• Nephrology
• Neurology
• Psychiatry (including a COVID-19 support group)
• Pulmonology (including Pulmonary Function Testing)
• Radiology/Imaging
• Rheumatology
• Vascular Care
• And other specialties as needed
How does our Post-COVID Clinic differ from others in the region, or country?
Since we opened the clinic in the fall of 2020, we have taken a holistic approach to patient care, addressing physical and emotional health as well as social well-being. Each of our patients receive a customized care plan based on the symptoms they’re experiencing. When you have an appointment at the Post-COVID Clinic, a primary care provider who has been seeing patients with Post-COVID symptoms, will do your initial intake. They will also work with your own primary care doctor, to help you meet your health goals. If you do not have a primary care doctor, we can help connect you to one. Additionally, patients have the added benefit of access to Stony Brook Medicine providers and services within our four hospitals and 215+ community healthcare facilities across Suffolk County.
Who can use the Clinic?
All residents in New York State, not just patients of Stony Brook Medicine can use the Clinic, but must meet the following eligibility criteria: have had a previous clinical diagnosis of COVID-19 or a history of positive COVID tests/history of COVID antibodies AND a history of chronic symptoms. If you are unsure if you meet eligibility criteria, please give the Clinic a call and our care team would be happy to assist you.