Financial Assistance

Stony Brook University Hospital has a Financial Assistance Program to assist patients who have limited income, no health insurance, or are underinsured and have difficulty paying for services provided.    The Hospital’s financial assistance program provides discounts to qualifying individuals based on income.  Patients whose income is below 650% of the Federal Poverty Level may be eligible for a discount.

Please click on the link below for our Financial Assistance Application:

Financial Assistance Plain Language Summary - English

Financial Assistance Plain Language Summary - Spanish

Family Size
Tamaño de la familia
Federal Poverty Income Guidelines below 650%
Pautas federales de pobreza FPG menos del 650 %
1 $101,725.00
2 $137,475.00
3 $173,225.00
4 $208,975.00
5 $244,725.00
6 $280,475.00
7 $316,225.00
8 $351,975.00

Financial Assistance Application – English

Aplicacion de Asistencia Financiera - Espanol

Completed applications may be emailed to Patient Financial Services Customer Service , faxed to (631) 444-4148 or dropped off in the black lockbox in our lobby at 31 Research Way, East Setauket, NY 11733.



If you believe you may qualify please contact the Financial Aid Unit at 631-444-4331 for an application. Financial assistance applications may also be obtained at the cashier in the Emergency Department, the main cashier on Level 5 of the Hospital or at the Patient Accounts Office at 31 Research Way in East Setauket.

The Hospital’s Financial Assistance Program is not intended to be a substitute for available insurance coverage. If you are currently covered by an insurance plan please forward the information to our Customer Service staff to ensure your insurance is billed appropriately.

For Stony Brook: 631-444-4151       For Southampton: 631-723-2160       For Eastern LI: 631-686-4377

In addition, you may be eligible for insurance coverage under the Medicaid program. Medicaid is a federal and state funded program that provides medical assistance to low income residents or those on public assistance. Please call your nearest Suffolk County Department of Social Services Medicaid Center to request a Medicaid application.

Riverhead Center: 631-852-3710       Hauppauge Center: 631-853-8408

If you cannot pay your bill, regardless of whether you qualify for Medicaid or financial assistance, you may be eligible for a payment plan. Please call - to speak to a representative to establish a payment plan.

For Stony Brook: 631-444-4140       For Southampton: 631-723-2160       For Eastern LI: 631-686-4377


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