Giving to Stony Brook Dermatology

Stony Brook Dermatology Associates is energized by an ethos of kindness to one another and to our patients and empowered by a strong culture of yes that breathes deeply into how we deliver care and how we create positive and lasting patient experiences. Gifts of any denomination or gesture are received with a tremendous feeling of worthiness and pride because these gifts are the lifeblood of our tomorrows and of our future reason for existence.

Your generosity enables us to expand our service offerings to include on the cusp and leading edge treatments, acquire state-of-the-art technology and medical equipment for skin cancer treatment and aging skin along with recruitment and retention of superior clinicians familiar with esoteric dermatologic conditions who are forward thinking and innovative.

Philanthropic investments and sponsorships bring us closer to achieving these important milestones. They also drive future capacity of our reach and outreach to touch and treat patients suffering with dermatologic concerns and diseases affecting infants to adults living their prime into their 90s!

Last Updated

Stony Brook Dermatology Associates is offering Telehealth services through various platforms including audio-visual, telephone and the patient portal for both new and established patients. We can address most of your dermatology needs including, but not exclusive to, evaluations of rashes, eczema, psoriasis flares, acne and medications refills. For patients needing in-person evaluations, we have dermatologists on site daily.

Please contact us to either schedule a telehealth visit or for more information about these services at (631) 444-4200, option 1. The safety of our patients, our staff and our physicians is paramount.