Screening Colonoscopy Program

Staff answering phone

Need to schedule a colonoscopy?

We'll help you choose the type that is right for you.

Colonoscopy is considered the most effective method of screening for colorectal cancer. Beginning at age 45, all men and women should be screened for colorectal cancer, even if they are experiencing no problems or symptoms. 

Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
(631) 444-5220
Office for Outpatient Services
3 Technology Drive
East Setauket, NY 11733
Advanced Specialty Care at Stony Brook
Gastroenterology Suite
3 Edmund Pellegrino Road
Stony Brook, NY 11794

What’s the Difference between a Screening Colonoscopy and a Diagnostic Colonoscopy?

Screening Colonoscopy

A screening colonoscopy is a preventative measure that starts at age 45 on individuals without symptoms to detect early signs of colorectal cancer or precancerous polyps. If no polyps or disease are found, then a routine colonoscopy is recommended every ten years.

Diagnostic Colonoscopy

A diagnostic colonoscopy is done when someone has symptoms such as abdominal pain, bleeding or changes in bowel habits. This procedure aims to diagnose the cause of these symptoms. 

Which Program Is Right for You? 

Fast Track graphic

To accommodate healthy patients who are 45 years or older and who need a screening colonoscopy, our FAST TRACK program expedites and simplifies the process of scheduling a colonoscopy.

In this program, patients in stable health can schedule a colonoscopy without first seeing a gastrointestinal specialist at Stony Brook Medicine. To get started choose one of these options:

ONLINE FORM Complete and a staff member will contact you.

CALL (631) 444-COLON (444-2656).

SEND BY DOCTOR Ask your doctor to request a screening colonoscopy and send your information to our program coordinator.

  • You'll be contacted directly to discuss your medical history, including medications and dietary intake.
  • The preparation details for the procedure will also be explained.

Screening Colonoscopy for those with Additional Health Concerns

For patients who need a screening colonoscopy, but have additional health concerns such a heart condition, a prior cancer diagnosis or taking multiple medications, an appointment can be made with a Stony Brook gastroenterologist to determine the best method for a colonoscopy.

CALL (631) 444-5220.

Additional Screening Options

  • Fecal occult blood test
  • Other options to discuss with your doctor
Last Updated