Support Services

Medical Case Management
Coordinates medical and other related supportive services for Stony Brook patients of all ages living with HIV. For more information, click here.

Our support staff assist patient in maintaining medical care and viral load suppression. 

HIV Patient Physician ConsultRetention and Adherence Program (RAP)
Serves patients living with HIV of all ages who received medical care at Stony Brook Medicine. 

  • Links individuals who are newly diagnosed as HIV positive to medical care. 
  • Identifies and engages individuals who are living with HIV and have a detectable viral load to HIV care and treatments by providing adherence education and counseling through evidence based interventions. 
  • Enhances the HIV continuum of care by partnering with community providers and the Department of Health to identify people living with HIV/AIDS who are out of care to improve their health outcomes and that of the community.

For more information please contact the Retention Specialist at (631) 905-1306. Se habla español.

Suffolk Project And Resource Coordination (SPARC)
HIV Patient Physician ConsultServes women, children, and youth living with HIV in Suffolk, clients do not have to receive medical care at SBM. 

  • Goal: To ensure that women, children and youth living with HIV in Suffolk are engaged and retained in a comprehensive, coordinated system of medical care and supportive services. 
  • Works with a consortium of community agencies and people living with HIV to improve coordination of services, identify unmet needs and develop collaborative programs to meet them.
  • Services Include:
    • Free Rapid HIV Testing
    • Linkage to medical care and case management services for newly diagnosed or previously diagnosed but not in care
    • Care coordination to ensure clients are engaged and retained in care
    • Women’s Care Coordination
    • Nutritional assessments and education
    • Transportation
    • Child Care
    • Evidence-based patient self-management classes.   

For more information, please contact the SPARC Coordinator at (631) 369-8696 x303.

Transportation Assistance
If transportation is a barrier to you, please contact us. You may qualify for transportation assistance.

HIV Patient Self-Management Classes
Provides Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) classes. Classes offered in both English and Spanish.

Center for Public Health Education (CPHE)

Peer Program  
Stony Brook’s Peer Program will match People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) with a peer who is also PLWHA who can provide support to the patient.  Ask your Provider or Case Manager if you are interested in getting matched with a Peer.

Last Updated