Written by Jennifer Shanahan, RD, CDN
Are you snacking more often? Social distancing to slow the spread of the coronavirus is keeping many of us at home to stay safe, but it is also…
NSC News
Written by Beverly Elliott, MSN, ANP-C, CCDS
Typically, our heart beats in a regular "rhythm" between 60 and 100 beats per minute. It is regulated by a specialized group of cells called the sino-…
We want to congratulate two of our doctors for being named Castle Connolly Top Doctors for 2021!
May is National High Blood Pressure Education Month. We wanted to take this opportunity to explain what hypertension is, what you can do to monitor it and what risk factors can predispose you to it.
Written by Erik LeRoy, American College of Sports Medicine Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist
During these uncertain times, it is easy for fear, anxiety, frustration and boredom to set…
How does stress affect your heart? While under stress, our hypothalamus, a tiny control center in our brain sends out signals to release stress hormones. When this happens, your heart races and your breath quickens.…
Written by Jennifer J. Shanahan, RD, CDN
The Mediterranean diet is associated with a 30% lower risk of cardiovascular events such as a heart attack or stroke.
Through the injection of a radioactive tracer, Positron Emission Tomography (PET) procedures are useful in diagnosing and staging various cancers, identifying heart disease and early detection of brain disorders…
Written by Rudy Mahadeo, BS, CNMT, PET, NCT, ARRT (N) (CT)
PET nuclear stress testing, formally known as rubidium-82 (Rb82) PET myocardial perfusion imaging, has become the diagnostic tool of choice…
All salt is essentially sodium chloride. Sodium is an essential mineral that is regulated by the kidneys. It assists in muscle function, nerve impulses and maintains the body's balance of fluid. With all of these…