Based on the Centering model, which combines facilitated, group-based medical appointments with health assessments, interactive learning and community building, CenteringPregnancy® provides group prenatal care which consists of:
- A group visit of 8-10 birthing people due around the same time
- Participants of different ages, races, and socio-economic backgrounds
- Visits that are 90-120 minutes, giving pregnant people 10x more time with their provider
- One-on-one time with the provider for a belly and baby check
- Assessment training for participants to learn how to record some of their own health data
- Facilitated “circle-up” discussions and activities
- Centering curriculum and materials that include everything from nutrition, common discomforts, stress management, labor and delivery, breastfeeding and infant care are covered
- Lasting community relationships
Proven Results
- 96-97% of women surveyed prefer receiving their prenatal care in a group
- 33% less likely to have a preterm baby
- High breastfeeding rates
To register or for more information about Centering at Stony Brook, please contact Amanda Bendick, LPN at (631) 444-5163.
Resultados comprobados
- El 96-97 % de las mujeres encuestadas prefieren recibir la atención prenatal en grupo
- El 33 % tiene menos probabilidades de tener un bebé prematuro
- Altos índices de lactancia materna
Para registrarse u obtener más información, deje un mensaje para la coordinadora de CenteringPregnancy®, Amanda Bendick, LPN en el (631) 444-5163.