- Our phone numbers are: (631) 444-1880 ( for scheduling )
- Our front desk numbers are: (631) 444-9404 and (631) 444-9407
- Our fax numbers are : ASC: (631) 444-9673 / ASU: (631) 444-8826 / SDA: (631) 444-1211
- Our email address is: preoperativeservices@stonybrookmedicine.edu
- Our hours of operation are Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm.
Our state of the art, Pre-Operative Services building is at:
1320 Stony Brook Rd, Suite E
Stony Brook NY 11790
(It is located in the northwest corner of the Coventry Commons Shopping Center on the northwest corner of Route 347 and Stony Brook Rd.)