MedicationIn the early phase after a kidney transplant, your medications will change frequently. It is YOUR responsibility to learn the name, dose, and purpose of each medication and the time to take it. The staff nurses and transplant team will help you learn these medications. The medicines and a medication chart about them will be placed in your room to help you learn. Before you are discharged home, the transplant team will discuss pharmacy options with you and order all of your medications for the first thirty days. Information about transplant specialty pharmacies may be obtained from your coordinator.

Never stop or change your medications unless instructed by the Transplant Team. Please call the transplant team before taking any other medicines, even “over the counter” medications. Also, call before taking medicines or vaccines prescribed by another physician or dentist.

Do not take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) in the form of Ibuprofen, Aleve, Naprosyn, Midol, (Motrin/Advil) or large doses of Aspirin. These drugs can decrease blood flow to your kidney, causing your creatinine to rise. You may take Tylenol-based pain medication, Actifed and Robitussin for minor cold symptoms.

It is important to plan ahead so you don’t run out of medications. Even missing one dose can cause problems. Contact your pharmacist at least one week before you run out of medicine so that they can fill your prescription. Always call if you need a new prescription or if there is a problem obtaining your medication

Immunosuppressive Medications:

Immunosuppressive medications are also called anti-rejection medication. They prevent rejection by decreasing the body’s natural desire to destroy foreign cells. However, they also decrease the body’s ability to fight infections. 

It is extremely important that you take your medication every day exactly as prescribed. You will need to take your immunosuppressive medications every day.  If you do not take your medications as instructed, you will lose your transplanted kidney!!!!

Guidelines for Taking Medication:

  • Take your medications at the same time every day
  • Never skip a dose of your medication --> If you accidentally skip a dose, contact your Stony Brook Kidney Transplant team
  • Never change the dosage or stop taking your medications unless it has been approved by your Stony Brook Kidney Transplant team
  • Call your Stony Brook Kidney Transplant team if you experience side effects, diarrhea, or vomiting
  • Do not take over-the-counter medications or other prescribed medications until talking to your Stony Brook Kidney Transplant team
  • Store medications in a cool, dry place, and out of the reach of children

Note: Patients may or may not experience side effects. If you experience any of the side effects listed below, please make the transplant team aware.

Some medications are short-term, while others will be taken for the duration of the transplanted kidney. In addition, some medications may need to be discontinued or restarted at different intervals.

You must take your medications as instructed to ensure the longest lifespan of your new organ.

Additional Resources:


 Transplant Surgery   Post Transplant 
Last Updated