While reducing fat does give a person a slimmer appearance, this is only a side-perk in the bigger picture of why losing fat is a good idea! Did you know that there are four different kinds of fat? They all serve a…
South Bay OB/GYN News

The holiday season is the most stressful time of the year. From travel plans to picking out the perfect gifts, stress can pile up rather quickly. In addition to slowing down your immune system, stress has an adverse…

One of the questions we get asked frequently is “Is my discharge normal?”
The most well-known fluid to women is the blood that results from her menstruation. However, did you know that we have five different…

Summer is here and it brought the heat with it. With a hot environment comes fun in the sun, bronze tans and summer activities. However, it does bring the need to use proper precautions as well. Proper SPF coverage…

It is with sadness that we are saying "Goodbye" to one of our beloved physicians, Dr. Peter Judge, as he embarks on his adventures of retirement.
Dr. Judge has a few words to share with you before his…